Powerful Commerce Feature Tour

With Powerful Commerceyou can expand your business by creating additional websites without capital investments. Sell new product ranges, find niche markets, use different brands - cease the opportunity! Each frontend can look and feel fully independent from the others, have its own product catalogue, its domain name (or unique URL), design, and content. Run several businesses for the price of one!
Only for PRO.

- PHP7
- Mobile friendly responsive design
- 100/100 Google PageSpeed Insights test
- Multiple front ends
- SSL friendly
On-site search
- Search in product name, description, CMS page name and content
- Auto-suggest feature in the quick search box
Multiple front ends
- Website and virtual (like Amazon) front ends
- Assign categories and products to front ends
- Front end status
- Name, URL, SSL properties
- Forced login setting (only for registered)
- Contact information settings
- Opening hours
- Postal cut off times
- Watermark settings
- Contact address
- Theme settings
- Date and time formatting
- Assign languages and currencies
Admin panel
- Multiple Admin users with configurable permissions
- Dashboard with reports
- Google map with order data
- Searchable navigation in menu
- Toggle menu
- Short / full menu
- Multilingual Admin
Backend managers
- Edit permission groups (roles)
- Create or edit admin panel (backend) users (managers) and assign their roles
- Edit individual permissions (roles)
Order management
- Order list with filters
- Order Status Types
- Orders by site Front End
- Batch invoices, packing slips, export, and delete for orders
- Order processing
Edit order
- Change customer details
- Change payment method
- Change shipping method
- Apply discount coupon
- Apply gift voucher
- Add, remove, edit products
- Manually amend prices, tax, shipping costs, discounts, sub-totals and totals
Customer groups
- Default discount in %
- Discount applied to Sale prices flag
- Tax applicable flag
- Display price flag
- Disable checkout flag
Order history
- Shipping and billing address with maps
- Shipping and payment methods
- Clickable and editable tracking number
- Purchase request details
- Detailed order item view
- Change status, add comments
- Printable invoice
- Printable packing slip
- Navigate through order list
- Print Shipping Labels
- Filtered customer list
- Order list
- Send email to the customer
- Send a discount coupon to the customer
- Merge customer accounts
- Manage trade form
- Total ordered and date of last order
- Reset password
- Manage credit balance
Brands and categories
- Categories linked to front ends
- Drag and Drop used to manage category parent / child and sort order
- Brand management
- Quick search through category tree and brand list
- Add / edit brand name, image
- Add / edit brand SEO page properties (URL, title, META tags, old URL)
- Add / edit category name, description, image
- Add / edit category SEO page properties (URL, title, META tags, old URL)
- Support for multiple languages for brands and categories
Product reviews
- Customers submit new product reviews
- Administrators can approve, decline, or edit reviews
Product import / export
- Export product data (CSV)
- Export categories (CSV)
- Export product to category links (CSV)
- Export attributes (CSV)
- Export inventory items (CSV)
- Export images (CSV)
- Export properties and property set up (CSV)
- Import data (see above)
- Data type auto detect for import
Product attributes and properties
- Manage attribute names and values
- Manage property name and values
- Organize properties into categories
- Multiple property types (text, number, number interval, yes/no, file)
- Single choice / multiple choice properties
- Attributes and properties in multiple languages
- Property used at product info pages, product listing, filters, search, and compare
- Advanced search
- Copy / move / link product
- Link product to front ends
- Preview “live” product information page
- Purchase and price change statistics
- Price groups (linked to customer groups)
- Sale price with expiration date
- Bonus (loyalty) points - earn and cost
- Bulk quantity discount prices
- Name, short, and long description (WYSIWYG)
- Stock (simple and based on inventory)
- Minimum order quantity
- Order quantity step
- Is a giveaway (freebie)?
- Is featured product?
- Shipping surcharge applicable
- Product model (SKU), EAN, ASIN, ISBN, UPC
- Multiple attributes and attribute values
- Image per attribute value
- Inventory items (attribute value combinations) with SKU, stock, and price (or n/a)
- Image per inventory item
- Multiple images, with SEO details per each image (heading, ALT, SEO file name)
- Multiple images per each language
- Link images to attribute values and inventory items
- Watermark management per image
- Video (YouTube) as extra media per product
- Size and packaging (product size, inner carton size, outer carton size, packs)
- SEO details (URL, META tags, title, Google product category, old URL)
- X-sell and up-sell
- Product properties
- Documents (document groups and uploaded files)
Product suppliers
- Alternative product model
- Stock
- Discount from SRP in %
- Surcharge in %
- Set desired margin in %
Discount coupons
- Coupon discount in currency and %
- Coupon minimum order amount
- Coupon for free shipping
- Coupon for recovery of abandoned carts
- Coupon code - manually set or randomly generated
- Uses per coupon
- Uses per customer
- Coupon valid products
- Coupon valid categories
- Coupon start and end date
Sale maker
- Set special price per product, with expiration date
- List of all special prices
Give away / Freebies
- Mark products as give away / freebies
Recover abandoned shopping carts
- Abandoned cart report with total of potential sales
- Send email to customers
- Send coupon to customers
- Convert abandoned cart into order
- Create a new order for the selected customer
- Search by front end, customer, or product
Banner management
- Banner list, by front end and by banner group
- Edit banner group, set type: single banner, carousel, or slider
- Carousel and slider properties: speed and sliding effect
- Banner properties: banner group, sort order in the group, from and to dates
- Banner content: URL, image or HTML snippet
Featured products
- Mark products as featured, with expiration date
On-site SEO
- Default title, and META tags set for index and product pages
- Generate XML site map
- Export to Google shopping (choose which columns to export)
- Google analytics script on / off
- Ecommerce tracking script on / off
- Google Adwords tracking script (and remarketing) on / off
- Google Certified Shops script on / off
CMS pages
- CMS page listing (add, edit, delete pages, and link them to various front ends)
- Same page can look and feel different being linked to different front ends, and being translated into different languages
- Page title
- Special title when included into a menu
- WYSIWYG editor for contents
- Special site-level links to other pages, products, and categories
- SEO properties (URL, META tags, old URL)
- Create and manage various menus
- Link menus to front ends
- Edit menu tree (menu / sub-menu)
- Use drag and drop to move and arrange items
- Use system links to build menus (categories, system pages, CMS pages
- Support multiple languages
- Full control over all system texts (including most buttons), front end and back end
- Supports multiple languages
- Search strings by area, key name, key value
- Edit translations, update multiple identical translations at once
Email and Document templates
- Edit (HTML and text) system email templates
- Add multiple system keys when editing templates
Themes / templates
- Create or edit any number of themes
- Backup and restore themes
- Copy themes into new ones
- Customize Home page, Product page, Product with attributes page, Product bundles page, Product listing page, information (CMS) page, Shopping cart, Checkout success, Contact us page
- Customize Email template, Invoice, Packing slip, Gift Card
- Visually edit pages, adding and configuring widgets, using drag and drop functionality to customize pages
- Choose from page widgets and general widgets
- Customize and configure any widget
- Customize theme general visual styles
- Change theme settings (background, responsive design settings, manage used fonts, upload or delete fav icon)
- Edit or override CSS and JS
Payment modules
- Link modules to front ends
- Configure the same module differently for different front ends
Shipping modules
- Link modules to front ends
- Configure the same module differently for different front ends
- Zone Table rate to add multiple zones, and shipping options, and specify price table for each combination
Order structure management
- Link modules to front ends
- Configure the same module differently for different front ends
- Manage various order total modules
- Drag and drop to change sort order
- Inc TAX / ex TAX options for modules for different pages (shopping cart, checkout, email notification, invoice, back end)
- General / configuration
- Order statuses
- Cache control
- Cron manager
- Location settings
- Localization settings (currencies with auto rate update, and languages)
- Tax settings
- System tools (DB back up, server info, who is online)